Tuesday, September 22, 2009

IFESH American Educators for Africa

An alumna of the International Foundation for Education and Self Help's former Teachers for Africa program (Gabon, 1994-95; and Ghana, 2002-2003), I am embarking upon my third volunteer tour of duty. IFESH continues it self help and development programs in 9 African countries under its new International/American Educators for Africa funded by USAID for $8 million for the next three years (until 2012). I am one of the blessed 55 volunteer teachers, and my assignment is to lead a higher diploma program at Aksum University, Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia for the next two years. I depart for Addis Abba a week from today for in-country orientation and travel onward to Aksum.
Aksum is an ancient, sacred city, located in the Tigray Region, in the Mehakelegnaw Zone, and its regional capital is Mek'ele.


  1. Dr. Ross....good news from you! I am very excited for you and the journey you are embarking upon. I look forward to reading your POSTS and learning more of the experiences you will be participating in.

  2. Hi Martha, Thank you. I hope you have been following my sojourns. eBlogger has lost many of them so I hope you saw them before they were moved (and lost) in "Heritage" archives. I'm still at it. Headed to Bhubanesawar Odisha, India in December 2020. Covid-19 has halted everything. More to come
